Child Welfare Committee

It is the sole authority to deal with matters concerning children in need of care and protection. A Committee has to be constituted for each district or group of districts, and consists of a chairperson and 4 other persons one of whom at least should be a woman.

The committee has the final authority to dispose of cases for the care, protection, treatmenat, development and rehabilitation of the children as well as to provide for their basic needs and human rights. A child rescued from hazardous occupation, brothel, abusive family or other such exploitative situation must be produced before the CWC who will conduct an inquiry to ensure optimum rehabilitation with minimal damage to the child.

Children in need of care and protection are sent directly to the children's home by the Child Welfare Committee that passes necessary orders for their rehabilitation, restoration and social re-integration.

Child Welfare Committees in Delhi
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Stramlining of work of Child Welfare Committees as per the Delhi Police Districts and Units

In Partial modification of order no. 61(9)/JJ. Amend/Act/AD-I/DWCD/2007/10789-798 dt. 26.07.2011. The jurisdiction of following Child Welfare Committees may now be read as....
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