Cruelty by Husband & In-Laws
Are you a victim?
Are you being subjected to mental and physical violence, which is causing or is likely to cause you grave (serious) mental and physical injury or you are being harassed for dowry? If so, you are a victim of Cruelty.
What can you do?
You can complaint to your Police Station or District SPUWAC. In case of immediate help call '100' or Women Helpline '1091' and say no to abuse. You can take protection under PWDVA and 84 BNS. Section 84 BNS makes it punishable for husband and in laws for harassing a women for dowry or for inflicting cruelty on her. SPUWAC will help you live a violence free life and punish the abusers.
The Law can help you fight for your rights:
- You can get a case registered under Section 84 of BNS.
- You and your family can also take recourse in counselling and mediation services at SPUWAC.
How can we help you?
On receipt of your complaint, you and your spouse will be offered counselling so as to help you negotiate violence free life. If that fails, you can take help of mediators at SPUWAC to ensure amicable separation. Failing these, police will register a criminal case against the abusers.