Delhi Police's flagship service is provided totally free of cost to all residents of Delhi and those visiting the Capital, 24x7 throughout the year. "112 Number" is a trusted brand with high recall value with Delhites, be it a traffic accident or any kind of situation requiring "assistance".
1091 Women's Helpline
This helpline functions round-the-clock and has 20 call takers. Calls here are received either directly or diverted from No. 112. Calls received directly on 1091 can also be dispatched through No. 112 and consequently the PCR Patrol Vehicles on ground can take the necessary executive action. Calls received on this line from women pertain to enquiries regarding reporting of any offence or asking for counselling.
1291 Children, Students and Senior Citizens Helpline
This helpline can also get calls directly or calls can be diverted to it from No. 112 in case of an emergency. This helpline can link up to the PA-112 system and the PCR Patrol Vehicles can be dispatched. All the calls regarding children which do not require emergency help are referred to the SPUWAC (Special Police Unit for Women & Children). Similarly, calls of senior citizens which are not emergent in nature are referred to the local police or the senior citizens cell for further follow up.
1093 North-East Citizens Helpline
This helpline functions on 24 X 7 basis to help citizens from the north-east feel secure and validated in the national capital.
Note on Women Helpline
To increase the accessibility of Delhi Police to the women, a Women Helpline is functioning in PS/CWC for prompt response to women related calls received in Command Police control room (CPCR). The helpline number 1091 is managed by the command Police Control Room (CPCR).
Helpline In-charge also take up the complaints received on designated WhatsApp helpline number (7835075012) and under take to follow up on such complaints and inform the complainant regarding the action taken on the complaint.
The helpline team collate and analyze the data of the last 24 nours received on the helpline and send a consolidated weekly report of received call along with their status to ACP/PS and a monthly report to DCP/SPUWAC
The concept of helpline is basically to provide physical, mental and psychological assurance to the victim survivor that all possible help is being extended to her. It is more often the case that initially, the calls of sexual assault are marked to male Police officers hence, the helpline staff acts as an additional resource to ensure that not only legal action is taken in the matter but the distress of the survivor is reduced to the minimum. Similar action is taken by Helpline staff on call pertaining to women in distress received on no- 112 in CPCR.
Helpline In-charge also take up the complaints received on designated WhatsApp helpline number (7835075012) and under take to follow up on such complaints and inform the complainant regarding the action taken on the complaint.
The helpline team collate and analyze the data of the last 24 nours received on the helpline and send a consolidated weekly report of received call along with their status to ACP/PS and a monthly report to DCP/SPUWAC.