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Refresher Course in Counseling Skills
Today, a training of first batch reg. three days refresher course in counseling Skills for Police Counselors posted in DUW&C of all Districts has been started at Jamia Milia Islamia University, Jamia Nagar, New Delhi. All nominated police personnel of Delhi Police have attended the said course.
Celebration of National Voters Day on 25.01.2023 at SPUWAC Unit
Self Defence Summer Camp
SPUWAC Unit Nanakpura is organised 19 th Self defence summer camp at five venues at all over Delhi from 25 may to 8 th June was conducted and more than 6000 participants were registered for this camp.Today, The main closing ceremony was at Chhotu Ram Public school, Bakhtawarpur. Worthy Special Commissioner of police Shri S K.Gautam grace the function and principal, owner,representative of nearby villages and additional DCP outer north and staff grace the functions. Advance Self defence techniques demonstration was performed by self defence team and the performance of our team was very much appreciated by the chief guest and other dignitaries. It was a big achievement in Delhi rural area.
Closing of Self Defence Training Class at Maharaja Agersain college University of Delhi Vasundhara Enclave Delhi on April 19, 2023
Dental and Cancer Screening Camp
A Dental and Cancer Screening Camp by Dr. Brijesh, Founder, Meri Pahal Trust was held for the Staff of SPUWAC on 22.03.2023 at Self Defence Hall, SPUWAC from 11.00 AM to 03.00 PM. Total 92 Police personnel has attended the said camp.
Meeting with NGOs
The Spl. C.P./ SPUWAC held a meeting with the NGO's at Conference Hall, 1st floor, Special Unit for Women & Children, NanakPura, Moti Bagh, New Delhi on 21/03/2023 at 3.00 p.m.
Visit of a team of PRO (Jan Sampark Vahan) on 14/02/2023 in the SPUWAC Unit
A one-day interactive session of staff of the SPUWAC&SPUNER Unit with a team of police officials (Jan Sampark Vahan) was held at Conference Hall, Ist Floor SPUWAC, Nanakpura, New Delhi on 14/02/2023. The interaction was through PPT as well as discussion. 32 police officials,including the Visiting team of the rank of Constable to ACP participated in this session.
The team from PRO (Jan Sampark Vahan) visits places in districts/ units in coordination with respective districts/units to project various services and schemes of Delhi Police. The team was briefed about the initiatives and schemes of SPUWAC&SPUNER. A request was also made to the visiting team to showcase the initiatives of SPUWAC and SPUNER.
The 7th Winter Camp of Self Defense-2023 was organised by #DelhiPolice Special Police Unit for Women and Children, in which more than 3100 girls/students participated. Closing ceremony presided over by the Spl. CP, SPUWAC.
One day workshop on gender based violence was held for the staff of SPUWAC at conference Hall Nanak Pura on 23.12.22, from 4.00 PM to 5.15 PM. The session was conducted by Dr. Pooja Goel, Professor of commerce Saheed Bhagat Singh college DU. A total of 50 Police personnels attended the workshop.
A Delegation of 20 Women Officials of Cambodia headed by H.E. Mrs. Koung Sorita Under Secretary of State, Royal Govt. of Cambodia, visited SPUWAC (Delhi Police) on 21.12.2022. They were apprised the working of SPUWAC. A Group Photograph on this occasion...
On 17.09.2022, Delhi Police has started its initiative "We Care" in the interest of Community Policeing to built trust factor amongst the public. The inaugural function had commence at Kartyapath at India Gate. On this occasion SELF DEFENCE wing of SPUWAC give demonstration on the self defence techniques, in the presence of Hon'ble LG Delhi, Hon'ble Minister of External Affairs and cultural for State and Commissioner of Police Delhi. 500 school children were also participated in this program.